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Review: Sherlock Holmes Year One #1

The Butlers Did It 

 Scott Beatty
Illustrator: Daniel Indro
Colorist: Tony Avina
Letterer: Simon Bowland
Covers: Francesco Francavilla, Aaron Campbell, Daniel Indro
Editor: Joseph Rybandt
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Cover Price: 3.99 USD

This isn’t the first time I’ve read this comic, though I will admit that I did remember it differently. My first opinion of it was cruel and I realized I must have read it while tired. Taking that into account I am tired again, not as much so, but enough so not to bow down to the this comic as it might be deserving.

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I’ve got the bug

There’s always a time of year when you start to feel the itch. No it’s not the sickness kids are bringing home from schools, or interoffice cold going around.

The writing itch.

I’ve picked up pen and paper (ie. keyboard and my precious memory stick) and trying my hand at my favourite, but sorely dismissed as of late, hobby of writing. Right now it’s touching up scripts on my lunch breaks, poking at page layouts while the boyfriend marks children’s papers and the new task: Comic book a night until my stores are complete.

THEN I can buy more.

So are the reviews back? YES! Though probably less thorough as it’ll be one a night.  And maybe more that just comic reviews. I’m not just a publicist (now sadly unemployed publicity wise) but I’m a writer and lover of art and words. I’m turning now to the successful authors and artists for inspiration and guidance.

Want to join me in my little mini quest? And read all your unread comics before you buy another? I’d love the company. And I always want to know what authors and artists out there are thinking.

What comics do you go to for inspiration?

Who were your muses?

As always, happy reading and writing.